Monday 3 October 2011

Heidelberg to Lucerne

We had another long drive in the car getting to Switzerland. What should have been about a three and a half hour trip took about six and a half. We stopped in Baden Baden, a resort spa town, for lunch but most of the time was sitting in traffic. At one point we were stationary for about 30 minutes because there was a traffic accident. Lots of people got out of their cars.

Baden Baden was a nice town.

We had a yummy lunch there and then went to the Faberge Museum. We saw some stunning things made of enamel, gold and precious gems.

..even a kiwi!

Driving through Switzerland we went through 8 tunnels.

We finally got to our hotel about 7pm! Luckily we got upgraded so our room wasn't so bad after all. We even have view of the lake.

Location:Merlischachen, Switzerland

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