What a day!
It started out quite cold, but soon turned into a bit of a scorcher.
There were thousands of people in the Piazza outside St Peters, watching the Pope giving the Sunday Mass.

We walked down the road from St Peter's towards the river.

Mum and Dad decided Rome is a romantic city.

There's a castle by the river called Castel Sant'Angelo.

There were people walking and biking along the river bank.

There are hundreds of beautiful monuments in Rome.

This is the Four Rivers Fountain in the Piazza Navona. It was sculpted by Bernini in 1651 and it still looks amazing.

Dad has decided little cars are cool. This one looks like fun.

There are some palaces around the Piazza.

This is the Pantheon. It's the best preserved Roman building in the world! It used to have a roof of golden tiles, but one of the emperors took those off. Someone else took off the marble cladding and then one of the popes ordered the bronze ceiling be taken down and melted it down for his church and to make cannons. In spite of all that, it still looks awesome!

It has a massive dome made out of stone. This is it from the inside...

This is the Pantheon's front porch.
There must be hundreds of churches around Rome... We walked into this one and found some more amazing paintings!

I thought this church was so beautiful that I cried.

I thought this church was so beautiful I had tears in my eyes!
Later, Mum and I found this little truck!

We walked to the Trevi Fountain. It is carved out of white marble and it shone brightly in the sun.

There were lots of people throwing money into the fountain for good luck. We used ours to buy some gelato instead.

There was a military parade.

... but we just missed it.
There's a huge monument called Vittoriano. It's on a hill... So it has good views.

Behind it, there are lots of Roman ruins.

These reliefs are on a giant pillar.

I had to sort this Centurion out.

Then we found the Colosseum. It was too late to get in. So, as the sun set, we caught the Metro back to the Vatican and went home for dinner.
What? More pasta?
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